The voice inside me thickens and grows
It tells me to just choose and follow
But how can I choose….
There are just so many ways
And to be always perfect, isn’t this
What man tries to be always…
Choices haunt me
Choices chase me
Choices leave me with no choice
With choices; cant there be just one unanimous voice
A choice not taken is cowardice,
A wrong choice taken is a mistake,
A right choice taken is necessity,
isn’t this choice thing a sheer stupidity.
We choose a choice and live with it
We don’t choose a choice and repent it
Why has god given us this choice of choices?
Does he want to prove his existence
Or does he wants to exemplify the phrase
“destiny is written by one’s own hands”
Or does he just wants the world
To possess that tiny kink of uncertainty.
These thoughts just push wider the
Circle of my uncertainty.
May be choices decide who we
Are and what is our identity,
But judging a person by his decisions and
Not his deeds isn’t that a pity!
Wise men say we cannot simply run away from choices
They are embedded in us and
Are soldered at all places.
It seems someday people wont have any more choices
But still then…..
They will be left with one
If not any more choices……….