Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sittin in my chair
reading powerelectrnx rhymes
externals have come near
& my head has hit the table 3 times

pushed i have been always
frequently changed my mind as the indian railways
sleep walked through everything
but not anymore
becoz i can now see the clear thing

engineer you can call me
engineer i never wanted to be
had dreamt of becoming a rockstar
and yes rockstar i wanted to be

heard chad kroeger sing rockstar
and i sang along
everyone came joined us ,and we sang along
the song stopped ,they stopped
but what do i do ?..i meant it
so i sang along
i sang along

winds of change have come
tables of time they have turned
the threshold voltage i have finally overcome
no one can stop me now
no one can hold me back now
i wanna be a rockstar
i wanna be a rockstar

one hand on the fret board
other on the strings
mind focussed only at that image....
now not so far
i wanna be a rockstar
i wanna be a rockstar...